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Medical Word Parts: i

Word PartDefinition
-iacondition, state, disease
-iasiscondition, state
iatr/otreatment, medicine
IBDinflammatory bowel disease
IBSirritable bowel syndrome
ibuprofenA nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agent with analgesic properties used in the therapy of rheumatism and arthritis.
IBWideal body weight
ICinspiratory capacity
-icpertaining to
ICDimplantable cardiac defibrillator
ICFintermediate care facility
ichthyosisA family of skin disorders characterized by dry, thickened skin.
-icianspecialist, practitioner
ICPintracranial pressure
ICSintercostal space
ICSHinterstitial cell-stimulating hormone
ictusAn attack, blow, stroke, or seizure.
ICUintensive care unit
idThe part of the personality structure which harbors the unconscious instinctive desires and strivings of the individual.
IDMinfants of diabetic mothers
IEDimprovised explosive device
IGTimpaired glucose tolerance
ile/oileum (final section of small intestine)
ilealOf or pertaining to the ileum.
ileectomySurgical removal of the ileum.
ileitisInflammation of any segment of the ileum.
ileostomyA surgical construction of an opening into the ileum on the abdominal wall.
ileumThe distal and narrowest portion of the small intestine, between the jejunum and the ileocecal valve of the large intestine.
IleusImpairment of the normal flow of the intestinal contents within the bowel.
ili/oilium (uppermost and largest bone of the pelvis)
iliac arteryEither of two large arteries originating from the abdominal aorta; they supply blood to the pelvis, abdominal wall and legs.
iliumThe largest of three bones that make up each half of the pelvic girdle.
illusionAn error in perception.
immobilizationThe restriction of the movement of whole or part of the body.
immun/oimmune, safe
immunityProtection from diseases, particularly infectious diseases.
immunizationA process for building or augmenting resistance to an infectious disease.
immunoglobulinsAn infection-fighting protein in the blood or secretory fluids that helps destroy bacteria, viruses and toxins.
immunosuppressantDeliberate prevention or diminution of the host's immune response.
immunotherapyManipulation of the host's immune system in treatment of disease.
imperforateNot open.
impetigoA contagious skin condition common in children, caused by streptococcus, staphylococcus.
impingement syndromeThe result of chronic and repetitive compression of the rotator-cuff tendons in the shoulder.
implantTo embed.
impotenceThe inability to sustain a penile erection to allow normal vaginal intercourse.
impulsive behaviorAn act performed without delay, reflection, voluntary direction or obvious control in response to a stimulus.
IMVintermittent mandatory ventilation
in vitroIn a glass. In an artificial environment outside a living organism
in-in, not or fiber
incidenceThe number of new cases of a given disease during a specified period in a population.
incinerationHigh temperature destruction of waste by burning with reduction to ashes.
incisionA cut made by a medical professional.
incisorAny of the four maxillary and four mandibular teeth, having a sharp incisal edge.
incontinenceThe inability to control the flow of urine from the bladder.
incubationMaintaining optimal environmental conditions for the growth of microbial or tissue cultures. Also, the time period between exposure to an infectious agent and the appearance of symptoms.
INDinvestigational new drug
indicationThe basis, evidence or rationale for using a particular treatment or diagnostic test.
inductionCausing to occur.
infantA child between 1 and 23 months of age.
infarctionTissue death due to lack of oxygen
infectionThe invasion of the body by disease causing agents and the body's reaction.
infectious myringitisAn infection causing painful blisters on the eardrum. More often seen in children than adults. Causal agent is Mycoplasma.
infertilityInability to conceive and produce viable offspring.
inflammationThe response of body tissues to injury, irritation or infection. Usually manifested by the signs of pain, heat, redness and swelling.
influenzaAcute, contagious viral infection of the respiratory system.
infra-below, down, under
infusion pumpsA device that delivers intravenous fluids at low doses and at a controllable rate.
inguinal canalA tunnel in the abdominal wall through which a testis descends into the scrotum.
inhalationBreathing in.
injectionsIntroduction of substances into the body using a needle and syringe.
insecticidesAgents used to control insects.
inseminationThe deposit of seminal fluid within the vagina.
insomniaInability to sleep.
insulinA hormone produced in the pancreas. Regulates glucose levels.
insulinomaA neoplasm of the pancreas that is one of the chief causes of hypoglycemia.
integumentary systemThe outer covering of the body composed of the skin and the skin appendages, which are the hair, the nails; and the sebaceous glands and the sweat glands and their ducts.
intercellularBetween the cells.
interferonA class of small protein and glycoprotein cytokines produced by T cells, fibroblasts, and other cells in response to viral infection and other biologic and synthetic stimuli.
interferonsProteins that are produced by the body's cells as a defensive response to pathogens.
intermittencyA urinary tract disorder in which urine flow is not continuous but stops and starts.
intermittent claudicationMuscle pain caused by too little blood flow, usually during exercise.
internal medicineA medical specialty concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of internal organ diseases.
interneuronsGroups or combinations of neurons between sensory and motor neurons that govern coordinated activity.
interphaseThe interval between cell divisions during which the chromosomes are not individually distinguishable.
interstitialSmall space(s) between biological structures.
interstitial cystitisPainful bladder syndrome.
intertrigoA superficial dermatitis occurring in areas where skin surfaces come into contact with, and chafe, each other. The condition is caused by moisture and friction.
intestinesThe section of the alimentary canal from the stomach to the anal canal.
intoleranceA patient's inability to tolerate a drug.
intracellularInside a cell.
intracranialWithin the skull.
intracranial embolismBlocking of a blood vessel in the skull by an embolus which can be a thrombus or other undissolved material in the blood stream.
intracranial hematomaBlood accumulation within the brain or between the brain and the skull,
intraductal papillomaBenign tumors that grow within the breast ducts
intrathecalWithin a sheath.
intrauterineWithin the uterine cavity.
intravenousWithin a vein.
intrinsic muscleA muscle whose origin and insertion are both in the same part or organ.
introversionA state in which attention is largely directed inward upon one's self, with diminished interest in the outside world.
intubationThe insertion of a tube, as into the larynx.
intuitionKnowing without conscious use of reasoning.
intussusceptionThe movement of a bowel segment into an adjacent segment in the manner of a telescope. The condition is commonest in children.
inulinA starch found in the tubers and roots of many plants. It is used as a diagnostic aid in tests of kidney function
invasionThe entry and proliferation of a pathogen or tumor.
invertebratesAnimals lacking a spinal column.
involucrumAn enveloping sheath.
iodineA nonmetallic element of the halogen group that is represented by the atomic symbol I, atomic number 53. In a solution, it is anti-infective and is used topically.
ionAn atom that has a positive or negative electric charge due to a gain or loss of one or more electrons.
iontophoresisTherapeutic introduction of ions of soluble salts into tissues by means of electric current.
-iorpertaining to
ipecacAn emetic.
IPPBintermittent positive pressure breathing
IQintelligence quotient
IRBinstitutional review board
iridectomySurgical removal of part of the iris.
iridescenceShining or glittering with the colors of the rainbow
iridoplegiaParalysis of the sphincter muscle of the iris or the dilator muscle
irisThe circular pigmented membrane behind the cornea of the eye that gives the eye its color. The iris surrounds a central opening called the pupil.
iritisInflammation of the iris.
irradiationExposure to ionizing radiation.
irrigationThe washing out of a wound using a continuous flow of water or solution.
IRVinspiratory reserve volume
ischemiaA hypoperfusion of blood through an organ or tissue caused by a obstruction of blood vessels.
ischemic heart diseaseRecurring chest pain or discomfort when a part of the heart does not receive enough blood. Often triggered by exertion or excitement.
ischemic strokeThe main type of stroke. Occur when a blood vessel that supplies blood to the brain is blocked by a blood clot.
ischiumThe inferior, dorsal portion of the hip bone.
isletA small island.
-ismcondition, process
-ismusspasm, contraction
isoantigensAn antigenic substance that occurs only in some individuals of a species, such as the blood group antigens of humans.
isolationThe separation of a person with an infectious disease from other people.
isomorphismThe condition of two or more objects being similar in shape or structure.
isotonic contractionMuscle contraction with negligible change in the force of contraction but shortening of the distance between the origin and insertion.
isotonic solutionsSolutions having the same osmotic pressure.
isotopesAtoms of an element species differing in mass number but having the same atomic number.
-istperson who specializes
isthmusA narrow part of an organ or body part.
-iteresembling, the nature of
ithy-erect, straight
IUa international unit
IUCDintrauterine contraceptive device
IUDintrauterine device
IUFDintrauterine fetal distress
IUPintrauterine pregnancy
IVFin vitro fertilization
IVPintravenous pyelogram
IVPBintravenous piggyback


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