Breath Sounds Reference Guide
Select one of the titles below to review auscultation assessment tips, view phonocardiograms/waveforms and listen to audio recordings.

Aortic Sclerosis (Musical Murmur)

Acute Pericarditis

Aortic Regurgitation (Decrescendo Diastolic Murmur)

Aortic Regurgitation Mild

Aortic Regurgitation Moderate

Aortic Regururgitation Severe

Aortic Stenosis (Diamond Shaped Systolic Murmur)

Aortic Stenosis Mild

Aortic Stenosis Moderate Regur Mild

Aortic Stenosis - Severe

Aortic Stenosis Moderate and Regurgitation Mild - Rheumatic

Arrhythmogenic RV Dysplasia

Atrial Septal Defect


Bronchophony Abnormal

Bronchophony Healthy


Coarctation of the Aorta

Commotio Cordis

Crackles Coarse (Rales)

Crackles Early Inspiratory (Rales)

Crackles Fine (Rales)

Crackles - High Pitched (Rales)

Crackles Late Inspiratory (Rales)

Crackles Low Pitched (Rales)

Ebstein's Anomaly



Exercise Heart Rate 120bpm

First and Second Heart Sounds Normal and Unsplit

First and Second Heart Sounds Reduced Intensity

First Heart Sound (Markedly Split)

First Heart Sound (Minimally Split)

First Heart Sound Decreased Intensity

First Heart Sound Loud

First Heart Sound plus Aortic Ejection Click

Fourth Heart Sound Plus First Heart Sound

Fourth Heart Sound Gallop

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

Innocent Murmur

Innocent Systolic Ejection Murmur - Standing

Innocent Systolic Ejection Murmur - Supine

Mediastinal Crunch

Mid-Systolic Click

Mitral Regurgitation

Mitral Regurgitation (Pan-systolic Murmur)

Mitral Regurgitation - Severe

Mitral Regurgitation and Aortic Regurgitation

Mitral Stenosis (Diastolic Murmur)

Mitral Stenosis - Mild

Mitral Stenosis - Moderate

Mitral Stenosis - Severe

Mitral Stenosis Severe and Regurgitation Mild Rheumatic

Mitral Valve Leaflet Prolapse

Mitral Valve Prolapse (Click with late systolic murmur)

Mitral Valve Prolapse with Mid Systolic Click - Standing


Opening Snap and Second Heart Sound

Patent Ductus Arteriosus

Pleural Rubs

Prosthetic Heart Sound - Aortic

Prosthetic Heart Sound - Mitral

Pulmonary Stenosis

Pulmonic Regurgitation - Mild

Rhonchi - Low Pitched Wheezes

Second Heart Sound - Fixed Splitting

Second Heart Sound - Physiologic Split

Second Heart Sound - Splitting

Second Heart Sound and a Tumor Plop

Second Heart Sound and Late Systolic Click

Second Heart Sound with Fixed Splitting

Second Heart Sound with Persistent Splitting

Second Heart Sound Fixed Splitting, Decr. Aortic Intensity

Second Heart Sound: Fixed Splitting Incr. Aortic Intensity


Summation Gallop at 120 beats per minute

Tetralogy of Fallot

Third and Fourth Heart Sound Gallop

Third Heart Sound - Physiologic

Third Heart Sound Gallop

Tricuspid Regurgitation - Severe

Tricuspid Stenosis - Moderate

Ventricular Septal Defect

Vesicular - Diminished

Vesicular - Normal


Wheezes - Expiratory

Wheezes - High Pitched

Wheezes - Low Pitched

Wheezes - Monophonic

Wheezes - Polyphonic

Whispered Pectoriloquy - Abnormal

Whispered Pectoriloquy - Healthy

Authors and Sources
Authors and Reviewers
Heart sounds by Dr. Jonathan Keroes, MD and David Lieberman, Developer, Virtual Cardiac Patient.
- Lung sounds by Diane Wrigley, PA
- Respiratory cases: William French
David Lieberman, Audio Engineering
Heart sounds mentorship by W. Proctor Harvey, MD
- Special thanks for the medical mentorship of Dr. Raymond Murphy
- Reviewed by Dr. Barbara Erickson, PhD, RN, CCRN.
Last Update: 11/10/2021
Heart and Lung Sounds Reference Library
Diane S. Wrigley
Publisher: PESI -
Impact Patient Care: Key Physical Assessment Strategies and the Underlying Pathophysiology
Diane S Wrigley & Rosale Lobo - Practical Clinical Skills: Lung Sounds
- Essential Lung Sounds
Diane S. Wrigley, PA-C
Published by MedEdu LLC - PESI Faculty - Diane S Wrigley
Case Profiles in Respiratory Care 3rd Ed, 2019
William A.French
Published by Delmar Cengage - Essential Lung Sounds
by William A. French
Published by Cengage Learning, 2011 - Understanding Lung Sounds
Steven Lehrer, MD
- Clinical Heart Disease
W Proctor Harvey, MD
Clinical Heart Disease
Laennec Publishing; 1st edition (January 1, 2009) -
Heart and Lung Sounds Reference Guide
Heart and Lung Sound Reference Guide